Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Aloha! Welcome to Wednesday!

So. Wednesday. Hump day. Half over for this week. Yesterday, a well-researched and semi-intelligent post. Today.... a blank page. But I just can't leave it at that. If you guys won't post, I'll have to just blather to myself.

I have family in South Africa. My brother-in-law and his wife and two daughters and all the rest of my wife's family is there. Except for a few that have wandered off to New Zealand or the UK.

I was telling them a little about Emmaus - you know - that fine line between telling them what it is all about and spoiling it for them... I am hoping they will experience it for themselves.

Did you know that you could find an Emmaus community nearly anywhere in the world (including South Africa) if you go to ?

Or that you could find a Chrysalis community by checking here?

(Chrysalis is the young person version of the Emmaus walk. Think rock music and a pizza room vs. our men's chorus and snack table) The ages include upper high school students (ages 15-18 and completed 9th grade) and young adults (ages 19-24 and graduated from high school).

I think we should not limit potential pilgrims to people at our church. Or in our town. Or in our age bracket. I think Emmaus/Chrysalis is a gift from God and that it could change the world. It has the potential to remove the politics / dogma that can be a stigma to Christianity and that it boils it (and us) down to the basics: Christ died for us and we need to seek him out.

Okay, I have to get on with my day. To update: two blog members responded to my cry for help from yesterday and one (almost 2!) new member has joined us. This is progress. But this blog does feel like the first ninety minutes at a two hour junior high dance. Sorta awkward and slow moving but with potential good stuff coming up... Somebody do something!

Cam sent me a nice email and Ken commented on my post (he said I am a scientific ninny and rather long-winded in a type-written way)... Also, Mandana has joined us, both as herself and in the person of the KAE (Kalamazoo Area Emmaus)! Fancy.

So anyway - I just wanted to say good morning/afternoon/evening for whenever you may or may not see this. And GLYASDI

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